The UsherBot team is here to serve and answer all your questions. Every question is easy enough for us to answer. Call, email, or text us, and a team member will respond to you as quickly as possible.
I have multiple churches. Can they use the same Usherbot?
The setup of the Usherbot is unique to every church. Every Usherbot has a bot specifically designed to suit the needs of the individual church. Therefore, each church will require its own Usherbot.
My church is an older, more traditional congregation. Would the Usherbot work for us?
The Usherbot is a simple, easy-to-use system. We do all of the complicated work for you. The rest of it, we equip you for it. Both older and younger members can use this system with ease.
Can I Use The TMI Bot And The Usherbot Together?
Yes you can, we do have a special package for this, which will allow you to save a lot more. Ask us about this special package!
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